Distribution Network Operator's (DNO's) and Independent DNO's

IUS are trained, authorised and competent to work directly for DNO’s and Independent DNO’s. We have a number of frameworks encompassing design services, overhead line activity, network automation, maintenance and switchgear replacements.

IUS are an experienced delivery partner in power distribution and have worked extensively for licence holders in the regulatory sector.

IUS are trained, authorised and competent to deliver works for both DNO’s and Independent DNO’s.

We can adhere to their specifications and design, supply and install electrical infrastructure to the required standards. This can be via working directly for the DNO/IDNO, generally via a framework agreement or as an Independent Connections Provider, with the network being adopted on energisation.

IUS operate throughout the UK on Low Voltage networks through to 132kV.


Working on utility networks provides IUS with the opportunity to demonstrate our safe systems of work, which are implemented on a daily basis.

There are millions of customers connected to extensive systems, who require a reliable energy supply. Network performance is key and IUS are a trusted delivery partner.

Northern Powergrid Automation Installation

NPg Automation Installation

IUS secured a contract to deliver NPg Automation, which improves their customer service via network control remote switching capability ...


Northern Powergrid (NPg)


Urban Automation



  • Civil excavation works
  • Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) installation
  • Testing and commissioning including with NPg control centre

IUS secured a contract to deliver NPg Automation, which improves their customer service via network control remote switching capability. This reduces electrical downtime for customers should a fault occur on the network. An RTU can be utilised to carry out remote High Voltage switching to quickly restore supplies. IUS are providing installation, commissioning, and technical support services to improve network restoration times via remote switching capabilities for 11kV ground-mounted switchgear. This is achieved via a central control centre over a secure radio network.


The work involved carrying out a survey at the substation location to ascertain if the site is suitable for automation. The survey considered the existing 11kV switchgear installed on site; network design required by NPg and signal strength tests for connectivity onto the secure communication network. The survey identifies the automation equipment to be installed and if any civils work is required.

Civil works were completed on this site, which allowed cable connections to be installed to the existing switchgear and new RTU telecontrol equipment. The new RTU was installed on a frame with umbilical cables, connecting the new actuators, which are fitted to the 11kV switches. The design incorporates fault path indicators, which are automated and wired into the RTU. These indicate back to control if a fault occurs. A power supply for the RTU is connected to the Low Voltage feeder pillar within the substation compound, which is monitored by the RTU and control centre.

Commissioning of the site is carried out by the IUS Senior Authorised Person (SAP). Final connections were made on site, with all local operational tests carried out. Once satisfied that the installation was operationally ready the SAP contacted the control desk engineer and carried out any network reconfigurations required under a system outage, to allow remote operation. Remote testing was accomplished by the control desk engineer and the automation equipment was transferred into operational use on the NPg network.


Northern Powergrid Automation Commission - Spring Bank

NPg Automation Commission

IUS has been involved in supporting NPg automation for many years in a bid to help sustain and improve the infrastructure and network control remote ...


Northern Powergrid




Spring Bank Road 644, Farsley, Leeds

  • Test/Commission of RTU & Actuators.

IUS has been involved in supporting NPg automation for many years in a bid to help sustain and improve the infrastructure and network control remote switching capability which lessons power outages for customers should a fault or trip occur. As such IUS provides installation, commissioning, and technical support to NPg, which improves network restoration time and remote switching capability for 11kV ground Mounted switchgear.


The work involves carrying out a detailed survey of a substation to ascertain if the site is suitable for automation. The survey considers the switchgear installed, network design required by NPg and signal strength tests for connectivity to a secure communication network. The survey would identify the automation equipment to be installed by approved remote terminal unit (RTU) installers, and later actuators to be commissioned by an IUS senior authorised person (SAP).

Site installation of the RTU was carried out following a successful site survey to identify where the unit would be wall-mounted and umbilical cables run between RTU and the switchgear already pre-installed. The design incorporates fault path indicators to be automated and wired into the RTU that indicate back to control if a fault occurs.

Commissioning of the site was carried out by an authorised SAP. Final connections were made onsite and local operational tests were carried out. Once satisfied that the installation was operationally ready the SAP would contact the control desk engineer and carry out any network reconfigurations required under a system outage to allow remote operation. Remote testing is accomplished by the control desk engineer and the Automation equipment made operational on the NPg network.


Northern Powergrid Asset Replacement Works In Doncaster

Northern Powergrid Asset Replacement

IUS has a framework in place with NPg, which includes asset replacement activity. IUS has been ...


Northern Powergrid (NPg)


Asset replacement


Franklin Crescent, Doncaster

  • Substation survey
  • Outage planning
  • Safe systems of work
  • Civil excavation
  • Switchgear removal
  • New switchgear installation
  • Transformer cable box change
  • 11kV cable jointing
  • Testing and commissioning
  • Handback documentation

IUS has a framework in place with NPg, which includes asset replacement activity. IUS has been commissioned to deliver six 11kV switchgear replacements in 2022, where aged oil insulated equipment will be replaced with new High Voltage (HV) apparatus, which will enhance the NPg network. This is the type of work IUS also deliver for customers with privately owned HV apparatus.


IUS conducted detailed surveys of these secondary 11kV substations on NPg’s behalf to ascertain the requirements for the delivery of the works. The survey encompasses asbestos removal, street work notices, if generation is applicable, network transfer at low voltage, any civil adaptions, as well as liaison with the local community via letter drops for planned outages. This all takes place to ensure a problem free switchgear replacement.

Following the implementation of Safe Systems of Work by the IUS Senior Authorised Person (SAP), oil filled Yorkshire Switchgear and Circuit Breakers are removed by our electrical fitters in conjunction with the IUS HIAB driver. A new Schneider Electric RN2C Ring Main Unit (RMU) is then installed in its place. The original switchgear is returned to NPg for recycling. The IUS electrical fitters secure the new RMU in place and make the necessary connections to the existing earthing system within the substation. The transformer 11kV compound filled box is replaced with a new ‘dry box’ unit, allowing for the installation and termination of 300mm triplex cable. This cable is installed from the jointing position, outside the substation, where it is straight jointed to the existing NPg 11kV network by the IUS cable jointers.

The IUS SAP completes the work via continuity, insulation resistance and pressure testing prior to the substation equipment being energised. All subsequent test results and hand back documentation is collated and returned to NPg for their records.


DNO Frameworks Northern Powergrid Areas

DNO Frameworks Northern Powergrid

IUS currently deliver an extensive portfolio of frameworks for Northern Powergrid (NPg). These ...


Northern Powergrid


Multiple Frameworks


North East and Yorkshire

  • Overhead line construction
  • LV overhead line shrouding
  • Overhead line inspections and remedials
  • Overhead line maintenance
  • Substation automation
  • Ground mounted HV maintenance

IUS currently deliver an extensive portfolio of frameworks for Northern Powergrid (NPg). These encompass both overhead line (OHL) and ground mounted (GM) works. Over a considerable number of years, IUS has been consistently achieving exemplary customer satisfaction by delivering a safe, compliant and quality service. The customer satisfaction achieved is not only with the client but the millions of customers connected to the NPg network.


IUS deliver extensive low voltage (LV) OHL rebuild and refurbishment works, replacing NPg’s open wire network with Aerial Bundled Conductor (ABC) and changing rotten and defective poles where required. IUS also delivers LV OHL shrouding works for NPg, where protective shrouding is placed over exposed LV conductors to allow customers to have building and construction works completed in close proximity to the LV network. IUS exclusively deliver these works for NPg, managing the end-to-end process to strict customer service and guaranteed standard guidelines. In addition to these two core overhead line frameworks, IUS also deliver OHL inspection and remedial works for NPg, ensuring that their high-risk sites meet the necessary ESQCR standards required. IUS also deliver OHL earth tests and earth mat replacement works.

IUS is the sole deliverer of GM Automation works. On this framework, IUS instals actuators and Remote Telecontrol Units (RTU’s) in to existing NPg secondary substations. Once commissioned, these sites become automated, meaning that NPg’s Network Control Center can operate their switchgear remotely, improving restoration and response times for their customers in the event of network faults or damages. In addition, IUS also delivers GM HV substation maintenance and Fault Path Indicator (FPI) replacement works for NPg. Delivering this service, ensures that their HV network is kept up to standard and will operate as necessary when worked-upon or in the event of a fault or damage.

To deliver the above frameworks, IUS has an extensive direct team of Project Managers, Project Coordinators, Planners, Supervisors, SAP’s, AP’s, Fitters, Linesmen and Jointers. All of these staff are fully authorised to work and operate on NPg’s LV and HV overhead and underground electrical networks. They are all centrally managed, which assists with a consistent approach including efficient programming.


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IUS News

Persimmon Homes Multi Utility Install: Laneside Farm Phase 1
Persimmon Homes engaged IUS to deliver Multi Utility installations for a 450-plot housing development in Morley, Leeds, including gas, water, and electrical connections, as well as the construction of two HV substations.
Major Incident Response: Storm Eowyn
Outstanding Team Effort by Integrated Utility Services (IUS) Overhead Line teams and contractors, who worked in partnership with Northern Powergrid’s teams to tackle damage caused by Storm Eowyn - the sixth storm in just three months. 
Vattenfall IDNO and Integrated Utility Services Project
Integrated Utility Services partners with Vattenfall IDNO for third project
Integrated Utility Services Limited are proud to announce that we have been appointed by Vattenfall IDNO to build a High Voltage network, which will be the third contract we’ve signed with them!